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The post struggle

Today is Febuary 5th, 2024. I'm trying my best to write a blog post because I want to. The only issue is I have no idea what to write about. Well, that's a half lie. I do have topics I want to write about; I just don't have the creative energy to write something that'll make me happy. I want to write about my thoughts on the new Apply Vision Pro or talk about one of my favorite anime, Tamako Market (which you should definitely go watch). No matter what I try though, nothing can quite scratch my writing itch. Perhaps this is how the blog dies. The struggle of writing posts is what kills it.

I doubt it. I mean, what do you think I'm doing right now? Precisely, this is my site so I can write whatever I want. I can write however I want. I'm the captain of the ship. I'm going t-

Wait, is that an iceberg?

Hold on, wait wait wait wait

How do I steer this thing?

Why did no one show me how to work this thing?

What do you mean I was supposed to read the manual?

This thing didn't come with a manual!

Glovebox? THIS ISN'T A CAR!

Okay, I'm sorry for getting upset. Just look up a guide on YouTube or something.

Alright, look I'm sorry. I don't know what model of boat this is. This is all the pawn shop had. To be fair, I'm surprised it was even able to float, let alone get us this far out to sea.

Oh right, the iceberg. Let's try this. *click*

*alarms begin to whirl*

Okay, not that one. Let's see...

Ejection seat? Why on earth does a pontoon boat have an ejection seat? Wait, why does it have an alarm button?

Oh right, the steering wheel, duh!


Sweet Mary Mother of Joseph...

Feb 5

2 min read



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