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Hey there!

Welcome to Wayne World!

You can just call me Wayne. I'm a 20-something year old guy with an interest in writing & sharing my ideas, I didn't have a good way to let out all of my creative energy so I created this website. I'd go throughout my days wanting to talk about the most random things or tell the wildest stories but I'm too lazy to write a book & too paranoid to film YouTube videos. I hope that this will be a good middle ground.

You'll find most anything from anime reviews, game ideas, or maybe a really stupid, funny joke. Just don't get your hopes up for me to climb on a soapbox & giving rousing political speeches. I'm not that guy.

If you're reading this, there's a good chance you're either really bored or you've arrived when this site was in its infancy stage. Whoever you are, I hope something I post will entertain you.

Take care!

Feb 3

1 min read



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